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Tag: Spending

How to set a budget |

The Right Way to Set a Budget and How to Crush it Every Month

I have said time and time again, the key to financial success is understanding how you spend your money and using that knowledge to make wise choices. The only way to accomplish this is through budgeting! Figuring out how much you spend on food, entertainment, medical expenses, and even shoes can help you plan for the month ahead. But how do you do this? Where do you start? Right here, right now! I'm going to show you the right way to set a budget and how to crush it every month!

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Before you splurge| Busy Wife Busy Life

5 Things to Ask Before You Splurge That Will Save You Money

Let’s face it. Not everyone likes to shop, but we can all agree that buying things is fun. What a joy it is to see something and picture yourself wearing it, just turning heads. Or imagine a splurge on that dream vacation you've always wanted to take. You get the feeling that by buying "it" your life may change for the better. But there’s a catch...You have to pay for it, and if you're financially smart you'll be paying for it as long as you have it (or longer). Before you get out of control, here are 5 questions to ask your before you splurge on your next purchase to help you spend smarter!Before you splurge | Busy Wife Busy Life

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How much is your time worth

Why Your Time is Money and How to Stop Wasting Both

How much is your time worthTime is our most valuable resource. But, we are all guilty of driving out of our way to get gas priced $.02 cheaper, taking on a home improvement project ourselves which end up doubling the time commitment, and going from store to store just to snag a few sale items. We sometimes fail to realize that the time we spend, often unnecessarily, can add up. It is often said that time is money, but how much is your time worth?

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Stop Trying to Keep Up

Why You Need to Stop Trying to “Keep Up”

Stop Trying to Keep UpIn today’s social media-driven society so many details of our personal lives are only a click away. Our primary form of communication or interactions with each other are through tweets, Instagram posts, and Facebook status updates. We are often just trying to "keep up" and find motivation from our number of followers and likes. Maybe without even noticing, we begin to put our lives on display as a status symbol. As a blogger, I understand this now more than ever. Showing off our red bottoms, newest designer bag, or our lavish evening out, has become the norm. To outdo our “frenemies,” we have begun to consume conspicuously, caring more about our standard of living concerning our peers than our well-being. At what point we stop trying to keep up and just start living for ourselves?

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Sherita Rankins Busy wife Busy life

The Biggest Financial Mistakes I Made in My 20’s

Sherita Rankins Busy wife Busy life When I was in my 20's, I thought I had it all figured out. I was finally living on my own and making enough money to support myself, but little did I know I was also setting myself up for financial failure. My careless financial habits and frivolous daily purchases were going to snowball into a mound of debt that I wouldn't be able to get myself out of. They say hind sight is 20/20, but if I knew then what I know now, I would probably be living on easy street. Here are the biggest financial mistakes from my 20's that you should avoid at any age.

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Why are you Still Broke  e

7 Reasons Why You’re Still Broke

 Why are you Still Broke--These days it seems like the more money you make the more you spend. You work all week, make a enough money to pay your bills and still have some left over too, so why don't you have more money in the bank? The truth is financial freedom doesn't come easy. If you take a good look at your spending habits, it may become clear what is holding you back. See if one of these 7 reasons are contributing to why you are still broke.

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6 Financial Steps to Take in Your 30’s

June is my birthday month, and I try to celebrate it all month long. Birthdays always make me reflect on the past year, but they also encourage me to think about the year ahead. Like many people, I try to set goals for myself professionally, make resolutions for personal growth, and pin locations on the map that I want to travel to. During the month, I also try to look at my financial status. Because my birthday falls mid-year, it is the optimal time to access my progress thus far. I feel that when you get past your 20’s, each year brings you closer to those milestones in life, like buying that dream home, making career strides and ultimately – retirement. Your 30’s are a time when you can make some serious financial progress to set yourself up for a prosperous future. Here are my financial steps to take in your 30's.

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